Jake Bartolone Data Science vs Conjuration:
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Why Data Science vs. Conjuration?

So far, in my data science journey, I seem to have two main types of experiences. Either my careful preparation and thoughtful programming leads to some very tidy and interpretable results, or I try a bunch of stuff until suddenly something works and I’m not sure exactly why, but it’s clearly right.

I’ve always thought of programming as being like consulting a summoned trickster spirit that will answer any question you have – but only if you ask it in the right way. It’s not going to do you any favors and intuit what you want, and if it can find a twisted interpretation of your question in order to give you an incorrect answer, it will. There’s a joy in finally finding the perfect phrasing that obtains your answer, but sometimes it feels like you accidentally stumbled on the right combination of mystical hand gestures, secret words, and burnt offerings.

Maybe at some point my experiences will shift much more towards science than conjuration … but I hope not. I’d rather work at the edge of my understanding and enjoy feeling like I’ve unearthed some arcane revelation rather than a predetermined end.

If that sounds like your kind of journey, then grab your pack and a ten foot pole and come along.